Category Archives: News

What Should I Expect from a Landscape Designer?

Creating landscape design all by yourself can be overwhelming, so most homeowners turn to a landscape designer. You can turn your landscape dreams into reality by partnering with an expert designer while avoiding beginner mistakes. If this is your first time working with a design expert, you may not know what to expect from the […]

Landscape Designer vs Landscape Architect: Which Do You Need For Your Project?

Many homeowners considering a landscape design project are unsure if they need a landscape architect or landscape designer. The main difference between a landscape designer and a landscape architect is cost and credentials. Landscape designers are experienced creatives and builders. Landscape architects have advanced degrees needed to work on large public projects that require special […]

Autumn Saplings, Wildland Hikes, and Harvest Time Seed-Swaps: Watershed Conservation Events for Mid-to-Late Fall

lake sorrounded by trees

With fall in full swing, it’s the perfect time for Central Texans to think about autumn harvests, seed saving, and the great re-greening of our urban areas. Whether you’re looking for rugged hikes, cozy local-harvest potlucks, stewardship opportunities, or some of the biggest native sapling giveaways in the nation, there’s something for everyone this autumn […]

Austin Arbor Day, Texas Native Plant Week, and the Return of Rainwater Season: Community Courses, Events, and Expos

Whether you’re looking for a civic celebration, ecological education, or some great green opportunities for community outreach, autumn in the Austin area has something to offer everyone. From Austin’s own Arbor Day on October 18th and seed and starts sales commemorating Texas Native Plant Week at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, fall is the […]