After a long break, we are happy to continue our individual Texas native plants profiles and today we will put the spotlight on Trailing Lantana (Lantana montevidensis).
From the entry:
“Trailing lantana is an outstanding pick for any drought resistant flower bed design. Unlike its big brother, Texas Lantana, Trailing lantana is less erect and more sprawling; acting as a solid and colorful groundcover. Trailing lantana explodes profusely with dozens of beautiful lavender colored flowers that last particularly long, from spring until frost. It will work well in both full sun and part shade, and performs outstandingly planted in terraces, cascading down. Butterflies love them, people adore them, and we highly recommend them in any drought resistant landscape designs!”
What do you think about Trailing Lantana? Do you grow it yourself? What kind of experience and insights you have to share? We love featuring our readers’ plant pictures and Xeriscapes!