Check Out Purdy Xeriscape Landscape Designs!

Due to a high volume of design request we are starting to offer Xeriscape garden designs.

You can read about the Xeriscape design process and what we feel is differentiates us from the rest.

A common misconception is that Xeriscape design is a style. Sparse desert looking landscapes, full of cacti, agaves and rocks. It is not. Xeriscape is a landscape design methodology that just makes sense in our day and age. Stop watering your struggling, patchy lawn and convert it into a Texas native perreniel masterpiece that will provide you, butterflies and hummingbirds with perennial, lush and colorful beauty.


Here in Austin Texas and the central Texas area we are blessed with so many options, so many excellent Texas native and adapted plants that it really hard to choose sometimes. Yes there are plenty of cacti, agaves and succulents to choose from but there are also dozens of lush, colorful and interesting plants to include in your drought resistant Xeriscape garden design.


We uploaded 28 different Xeriscape landscape designs so you can see it with your own pretty eyes. All of those designs are quite recent, for clients here in Austin Texas, and the surrounding hill country area.

1 thoughts on “Check Out Purdy Xeriscape Landscape Designs!

  1. Mario says:

    Great post. Xeriscaping is very important indeed. I think the most challenging aspect for people is finding the right plants. It helps to have companies like yours to aid in the plant selection process. Keep up the good work.

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