Chilopsis linearis

Mexican Feathergrass

Mexican Feather Grass is a graceful short growing ornamental grass. Don’t let this gentle Texas native to confuse you: it is hard as nails, fuss free and requires very modest amounts of watering. We love designing Mexican Feathergrass in our xeriscape flowerbeds  with other plants that will complement or contrast its elegant and soft form. Especially beautiful when planted a mass with some large specimen agaves. A wonderful choice for Austin xeriscape landscapers.

Mexican Feathergrass Details

  • Common Names: Silky Thread Grass, Mexican Needle Grass, Pony Tails
  • Preferred Light Conditions: Full Sun/Part Shade
  • Height: 1′ – 3′
  • Spacing/Spread: 1′ – 3′
  • Evergreen: No, this is a deciduous plant.
  • Color: Brown/Cream seed headers.
  • Interest: Spring.
  • Texas Native: Yes, plant is Texas native.
blue petaled flowers under white clouds photo

Plant Features

Some notable properties of this plant species…

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