Pink Skullcap (Scutellaria suffrutescens) Plant Profile!

We are starting to create individual Texas native plants profiles and today we will put the spotlight on Pink Skullcap (Scutellaria suffrutescens).

From the entry:

“One of the greatest low layer plants you can use! It is very neat and tidy, and will keep its round form quite well. The small pink flowers are adorable and will brighten your day during summer’s hot days. Pink Skullcap is very versatile; Not only it will thrive in both full sun and part shade but it is also an evergreen that will add much needed greenery during the winter. Disease and pest resistance and quite drought tolerant: Pink Skullcap is a no brainer choice for Austin waterwise landscapes.”


What do you think about Pink Skullcap? Do you grow it yourself? Pictures or insights to share?

1 thoughts on “Pink Skullcap (Scutellaria suffrutescens) Plant Profile!

  1. Kitty Robinson says:

    I saw this plant this past weekend on a visit to San Antonio. I can’t wait to plant some here in Alabama alond with Queen’s Crown and esperanza

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