Austin Native Landscaping
Plant Library
This is one of the many Xeriscaping plants we use and recommend for our landscaping projects. Got questions or need more information? We're here to help!
This is one of the many Xeriscaping plants we use and recommend for our landscaping projects. Got questions or need more information? We're here to help!
Along with Texas Redbud, Retama and Texas Mountain Laurel, Desert Willow is another solid pick when looking for a drought tolerant small statured flowering tree.
Along with Texas Redbud, Retama and Texas Mountain Laurel, Desert Willow is another solid pick when looking for a drought tolerant small statured flowering tree. The pink trumpet like flowers are quite substantial in size and mix well with other elements. You can prune this Texas native to a more formal tree form or leave it to become a more wooly, wild and hedgy specimen. Outstanding drought resistance and the ability to take some shade make this small tree a wonderful option in many Xeriscape design scenarios.
Some notable properties of this plant species…
This plant thrives in full sun situations.
This plant thrives in part-shade/part-sun locations.
This plant species is native to Texas, USA.