Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) Plant Profile!

We are starting to create individual Texas native plants profiles and today we will put the spotlight on Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinia pulcherrima).

From the entry:

“Pride of Barbados could quite easily become the pride of your landscape! The plant’s folliage is graceful and gentle, contrasting beautifuly with the huge bold and showy red blooms. We design Pride of Barbados in the back of our drought tolerant flower beds. The plant works by itself or planted a mass. Pride of Barbados will die to the ground during the winter but will happily return the following spring. Young and improperly installed plantings could unfortunately completely die during an especially hard winter. Remember to place the plant in full sun and provide ample space for it.”


What do you think about Pride of Barbados? Do you grow it yourself? Pictures or insights to share?

1 thoughts on “Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) Plant Profile!

  1. lucille dugas says:

    I just planted 6 caesalpinia pulcherrima young trees, three days later the leaves turned yellow. whats happening? how can I help these trees survive?

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